Frequently asked questions
What does the Stuffa jacket do? It’s simply a jacket with hidden pockets inside which allows you to take more stuff with you when flying by plane. It can save you from paying for extra bags or the hefty excess baggage fees which usually start at £20 per 1kg. Which is the weight of a few items of clothes.
Can you wear it outside? Yes. All our jackets are designed to wear outside.
If you put clothes inside the jacket will I be able to Zip it up?This depends on how much stuff you put inside the jacket. We designed each size slight bigger to compensate when it is stuffed. But remember the idea of the jacket when it is stuffed is 90% of the journey when it needs to be stuffed will be in an airport or on a plane, where you usually don’t need to have your jacket zipped up. Once you have landed at your destination you can take some clothes out and store in your normal luggage. We suggest taking a foldable bag with you when travelling which will give you total freedom.
Won’t you get hot wearing it? When filling the jackets with lots of clothes the jacket will become super insulated. Which is really awesome in cold days. If you are travelling in warmer climates simply take it off. You will only need to wear or hold it over your arm when boarding the plane which will be a few minutes. So like any other jacket, when you get get to warm, simply take it off.
Is the jacket/ gilet waterproof? Our jackets are waterproof and the gilets are water-resistant.
What insulation is inside? (Stuffa One Gilet) Synthetic polyester down.
Won’t I look like a Michelin man? Only if you overstuff the jacket. We have designed it to look good when stuffed and empty.
Won’t I get uncomfortable wearing the jacket when it’s packed sitting in my seat on the plane? Yes, it might be uncomfortable, so simply take it off and stow it away under the seat in front of you or in the overhead locker.
Where do I put my shoes? Put shoes in your carry-on or hold luggage, and put the clothes which were in your luggage into your Stuffa jacket.
When the jackets are packed, will it be heavy to wear? Yes, each piece of clothing you pack will weigh something, and packing clothes will make the jacket weigh more. However, the weight of the packed clothes will be evenly distributed around the body and will feel less heavy than a backpack with the same clothes inside. But remember, you only have to wear the jacket for a few minutes when boarding the plane so about 0.0001%. All the other time it is packed you can simply carry it in a bag or over your arm.
Packing at Home and at the Destination
How much does it carry? We suggest up to around 5kg/ 11lb of clothing. Enough for around 3-5 days of clothing. But if you are desperate, you could carry more.
What do you put inside it? Clothing and anything else that you think will fit inside that you need to travel with like sunglasses, toiletries, mobile phones, wallets, guide books, etc.
Can you put your laptop and tablet in it? smaller laptops and iPads/ tablets may fit inside the bigger pockets. We suggest anything that is bulky is put in a carry-on bag and softer items like clothes go into the jacket. You do need to put a little thought into the packing process.
Do I have to take a bag with me or can I just take the jacket? No, It’s up to you. The jacket is designed to give you options when travelling. It all depends on what you need to take with you.
Can I take hold luggage? Yes, you can. You don’t have to travel with just the Stuffa jacket.
If I have carry-on luggage and hold luggage why do I need a Stuffa Jacket? There are several reasons you may need your Stuffa jacket. Firstly you might just need a jacket. Secondly, if your luggage is over the weight allowance at the airport (even though you are sure it wasn’t on your bathroom scales), you can put some of that weight into your Stuffa Jacket and avoid paying any fees. Thirdly you might need extra space in your luggage for all the shopping you have bought on your trip. We’ve all been there.
What about dirty clothes? Generally, the clothes that you wear don’t get super dirty so you can easily pack these ones into the jacket. If your taking luggage with you put the really dirty clothes in there and the cleaner ones in your stuffa jacket. And if you have dirty clothes and they have to go into your jacket. Simply place them in a plastic bag, usually one in your hotel room for laundry, so they are nicely sealed up.
Getting to the Airport
Do I have to wear the Stuffa jacket to the airport? No, you don’t. You can carry it over your arm or stow it away in a foldaway bag.
How do I get the Stuffa Jacket to the airport? Wear it, carry it over your arm, store it in the boot of a car or carry it in a bag. It’s up to you.
At Check-In
What happens at check-in? Just do everything you would normally do. It’s no different.
Do I have to take the clothes out of the Stuffa Jacket at check-in? No.
Do I have to wear the Stuffa Jacket at check-in? No.
If I’m somewhere warm and going somewhere warm won’t they be suspicious of me wearing a jacket? No. There are no rules to saying all your pockets must be empty when boarding a plane. Also, nobody knows where your final destination might be except you. You could be on an around the world trip (Owh, doesn’t that sound amazing! I want to do that.)
Going Through Security
What happens at security? Simply take the jacket off and put it in the tray along with your carry on bag if you have one.
Do I have to unpack all the clothes at security? You don’t unpack your carry on bags, so there is no need to unpack your Stuffa Jacket.
Do I wear it through the scanner that you walkthrough? No. Put in the tray along with any bags you have.
Don’t TSA/ security get suspicious and take you aside? TSA/ airport security guards are looking for restricted items. Clothing and jackets are not restricted item. As always pay attention to what you can and can’t take on a plane. Our founder has flown around the world through Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. Also, out of the 1000’s of jackets we have sold, no one has come back to us and told us they have had any issues.
Can I take liquids in the jacket? Yes as long as they are less than the limit you are allowed to carry onto a plane. Just take them out of the pocket they are in and place them in the tray separately as directed by the security TSA officers and signs.
What do I do with my toiletries? Ether put them in your hold luggage or take the allowed limit in your carry on, or in the pocket of your stuffa jacket but take them out and place them in the tray separately.
At the Gate and Boarding the Plane
What do you do when boarding the plane? Simply wear the jacket or carry it over your arm like any other jacket.
Will I get hot wearing it on the plane? Probably, so simply take it off.
Where do I put the coat on the plane? Under the seat in front of you or in the overhead locker.
On the Plane FAQ
Won’t I get uncomfortable wearing the jacket when it’s packed sitting in my seat on the plane? Yes, it may be uncomfortable, so simply take it off and stow it away under the seat in front of you or in the overhead locker.
At your Destination or at Home
Do I have to wear the Stuffa jacket with the clothes inside it? No. The best thing about the jacket is its an awesome jacket. you will probably only have it packed with clothes less than 1% of the time you have it. So get out there and use it. Life is for doing stuff.
What do I do with the jacket when its empty? Put it in the attic with your luggage. NO of course not. Just wear it. It’s a great coat, I should know, I’ve worn mine all around the world.